Impact on your equipment
How can tiko storage affect my equipment?
tiko storage will not have any impact on your equipment since it will measure your PV production, home consumption, battery charging/discharging status, shift the boiler power source when appropriate, using a specifically designed algorithm which ensures no damage is being done
How does the battery get integrated in my existing system?
During your advisory appointment, our installer will assess which battery size you need and issue a recommendation. The battery will be connected to your PV system and to your house electrical system by our installer, along with the tiko equipment. Once installed, it will store energy when produced and deliver it to your appliances when needed, in order to maximize your energy-independence and lower your electricity bill to the maximum.
Will existing installations on the electricity network be disturbed?
The necessary data transfer for the communication of the tiko solutions is very low. Existing solutions should normally not be influenced. If you have difficulties please contact tiko.
If tiko uses my fixed line internet connection, can it affect my other internet activities?
No. Since the volume of encrypted data the M-Box will send and receive is very low, this won't affect your usual internet activities at all.
Are the solutions of tiko and myStrom interoperable?
Yes, both solutions can run in parallel but the systems function separately from each other. You will need to have a customer account with tiko and a customer account with MyStrom.
I am already a tiko customer. Will tiko storage impact my existing offers?
Yes and no. tiko storage is compatible with tiko power. By cumulating tiko offers, you can optimize your overall energy consumption, gain global insight and save money. Thus it's a positive impact.
Send us an email at or call us at +41 848 301 302 from 08:00 to 18:00 Monday to Friday
If you have any general questions, you can contact us via email at We'll answer as quickly as possible.