Support: Using tiko storage

tiko storage functionalities

  • With how much details can I monitor my consumption and my production?

    You can monitor your consumption per year, month, week and day, as precisely as per a 5-minute interval.

  • What are the tools I have to analyze my consumption and my production?

    As an energy producer, you want to monitor precisely your production, self-consumption and feed-in to the energy network, as well as your battery charge/discharge cycles. You keep control over your photovoltaic production, its storage, and your home consumption. Daily, weekly, monthly and yearly visualization: you get all the data in one chart. In addition you benefit from useful ratios such as your self-produced vs network-bought energy consumption and the share of your production that you used for your own consumption vs what you sold to the network. If you're also a tiko power customer, you'll pilot all your PV/battery equipment and your heating system in the same interface. Thanks to your Member Space and the tiko app, you keep control over your photovoltaic and battery equipment from anywhere and at anytime.

  • How does the battery get integrated in my existing system ?

    During your advisory appointment, our installer will assess which battery size you need and issue a recommendation. The battery will be connected to your PV system and to your house electrical system by our installer, along with the tiko equipment. Once installed, it will store energy when produced and deliver it to your appliances when needed, in order to maximize your energy-independence and lower your electricity bill to the maximum.

  • When I add a battery to my existing system, how will the priorization from my PV production be made?

    tiko storage will optimize your own-consumption in order to make you as energy-independent as possible and to help you reduce your energy expenses. Thus, the battery will be prioritized over the boiler. If your PV produces a large quantity of energy, not needed by your boiler, and if your battery is already fully charged, it will be sold to the network. When you need energy, you'll get it first from your PV, then from your battery, and finally from your energy supplier.

  • What are the colors indicating on the M-Box ?

    The M-Box has 4 lights on its front facade, which can be green, orange or red. The first light indicates that the system is running, the second that the M-Box is connected to the K-Box, the third the M-Box connection to the mobile or fixed internet, and the forth its connection to the tiko network. When operating normally, all lights are green.

If you need help, we would be glad to assist you

Send us an email at or call us at +41 848 301 302 from 08:00 to 18:00 Monday to Friday

If you have any general questions, you can contact us via email at We'll answer as quickly as possible.