Support: Using tiko storage

Changes in your situation

  • I decided to change my photovoltaic system for a new one. Will tiko still be compatible?

    Yes, the sonnen battery included in tiko is compatible with any photovoltaic system. Your installer only needs to make sure that the installation of our Kbox remains the same. In case of need, he can contact us, we'll be happy to assist.

  • I own my house and plan to move, what should I do?

    When you buy tiko storage, you agree to contribute to the tiko network for a minimum 3 years. After this delay, you can stop contributing at anytime, providing you inform us before the end of each year. If you decide to move after the initial 3 years, you can check with the buyers if they want to keep tiko storage and keep benefiting from the yearly financial reward. If it's the case, you can contact us, and we'll register them. If they do not wish to keep tiko, please inform us and send us the M-Box back.

  • I want to stop contributing to the tiko network. What should I do?

    When you buy tiko storage, you agree to contribute to the tiko network for a minimum 3 years. After this delay, you can stop contributing at anytime, providing you inform us before the end of each year.

If you need help, we would be glad to assist you

Send us an email at or call us at +41 848 301 302 from 08:00 to 18:00 Monday to Friday

If you have any general questions, you can contact us via email at We'll answer as quickly as possible.